Humans in Healthcare: Chapter #1

It starts with humanity

Hey there! Thank you so much for subscribing to Humans in Healthcare.

This is my first ever email blast and it’s part terrifying, part exhilarating. I’ve never bet on myself quite in this way, so that’s new too 😎. Saying no to imposter syndrome feels like denying an old enemy (my fear) to embrace an old friend today (my potential). Ever feel that way?

Vulnerability aside, let me share a bit about my vision for Humans in Healthcare.

To help you understand, here is a quick reminder of the definition of the word pillar:

Pillar (noun)

  • a supporting, integral, or upstanding member or part

  • a firm upright support for a superstructure

Pillar (verb)

  • to provide or strengthen with or as if with pillars

Noting the above definitions, think of Humans in Healthcare as 4 pillars:

Pillars of Humans in Healthcare

Each pillar is strengthened by the other and importantly, lacks walls between them. Instead of walls, there is a space. The most monumental pillars form incredible structures and places without walls.

And that’s how I think about what I’m building.

I don’t want to build walls. I want to hold the spaces. And reach across the spaces to build bridges.

Don’t we need that in healthcare and in life?

But, I can't give all of my secrets away in my first email 😉, so the first pillar I’ll be sharing about today is the content pillar.

Quick context:

I told myself I would never start a newsletter because the reality is, I’m pretty boring 😅. Whenever I’m asked to share a fun fact, I fumble and panic because…I don’t know if I have one?!

I’ve accepted this about myself and I’m leaning in to the most authentic version of me, which is soul-full: serious, thoughtful, deeply inquisitive, and whole hearted.

Unlike many other healthcare newsletters, I’m not sure there is a meme for that. Or if there is, it might make you cry instead of laugh. So in anti trend fashion, this will most likely not be a newsletter filled with memes.

I don’t have all the answers or witty things to say all of the time. I don’t know that I have super specific insights to deliver to your inbox every Saturday in the way the million + dollar solopreuners recommend.

But I do know what I can do (and what I love to do, perhaps what I am called to do). Which is to create spaces. Spaces for the questions. Spaces for the answers. Spaces to belong. And a space for you to share your story.

(I'm beginning to think it’s not a coincidence that my last name is Story).

The content pillar of Humans in Healthcare will start with…


Through the stories of lived experiences of humans in healthcare or healthcare adjacent. The real, raw, and honest kind. The kind that is grounded in reality, but without the loss of hope. The kind we see each other in, to know we aren’t alone in it. The kind that is a signal through all of the noise. The kind we need to tell the world.

Truth tellers, not fluff sellers.

Think Humans of NY, but healthcare style, filled with diverse and real experiences of the healthcare professional, patient, or caregiver.

So, this “newsletter” is really yours, more than mine. It’s a collaborative content effort with so many ways to grow.

And it’s being defined, right now, as I write. I invite you to write it with me. I need your voice. I need your words. I need your stories.

I need you, human in healthcare, to remind us of our common humanity.

There is no greater agony than bearing an untold story inside of you

Maya Angelou

I shudder to think how many humans are bearing this agony. Are you? I am here to tell you that someone needs to hear your story as much as you need to tell it. And I’m here to help you share it.

I'm looking to feature stories! 👀

Specifically what kind of stories am I referring to?

  • Your lived experiences as a healthcare professional, patient, or care giver

  • Being on the front lines of healthcare

  • Navigating through the healthcare system

  • How you infuse humanity into your practice

  • Your journey, career or otherwise

  • What you want to see change in healthcare

  • How you are changing healthcare or your community

  • How you are changing

Every story is valid.

If you are in healthcare or healthcare adjacent and want to share your story, let me know by simply replying to this email. Let’s work together to get it out to the world.

In humanity,



or to participate.