Humans in Healthcare: Chapter #6

What's the story, Amy Story? Part 3

Hey there!

This chapter concludes my 3 part series of sharing my professional story. If you need a refresher, check out Part 1 and Part 2.

I’ll still be infusing elements of my personal stories in future episodes. Don’t get sick of me 😅 

Thanks for allowing me to take up space in your inbox. Allowing myself to be seen is how I can also see you.

Part 3 of my professional story

Last fall, I set out on an unexpected adventure. I jumped, or perhaps was pushed off (another story for another day) a wobbly and inauthentic “career ladder” and became a solopreuner, starting a business to provide fractional services to early stage health tech companies, branded as The Clinician Generalist (hence my tag line using traditional clinical skills in non traditional ways 😉).

Being off the proverbial career ladder and back on the ground allowed me to realign my self and soul around building a life instead of chasing a living. I gave myself space, time, hearing, and listening to the voice within my self, the signal that had been drowning in noise.

I followed the signal of my voice, eventually arriving to the edge of what appeared to be a rugged space, covered with dirt and mud, potholes and boulders, like it was begging for footsteps to forge it into a recognizable path.

You see, I had been trying to follow a recognizable path most of my career, but when I finally listened to the signal of my own voice, I realized that I was never meant to follow…

I am meant to forge.

And leave a trail.

As poet Emerson says (and coincidentally, my high school year book quote many years ago):

Do not go where the path may lead. Go instead where there is no path and leave a trail.

Ralph Waldo Emerson

As I began to forge a path, I eventually arrived to some seeds. These weren’t just any seeds. They were seeds of soul driven purpose that I decided to plant and nurture in new found soil of wisdom and worth.

Over these past 9 months, the seeds have begun to take root and are now sprouting out of the soil, rising from within that place of purpose instead of reaching for it.

Rising while also lifting the voices of others, not just my own…

Though my solopreuner journey has felt lonely at times, I wasn’t alone. I’ve connected, conversed with, and listened to the stories of so, so many of the humans that make up healthcare — from healthcare professionals to patients to caregivers to clinical and non clinical health tech and innovation folks, and beyond.

Here’s what I’ve learned from hearing the stories of humans in healthcare

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