Humans in Healthcare #24 | The next chapter

It's time to stop wavering

Hi friends, how are you?

I want to extend a warm welcome to the new subscribers!* You’ve picked an exciting time to join because today I’m sharing about the next chapter of Humans in Healthcare.

But first, a story.

*If you’re new, my writing style is rhythmically real, raw, and honest and I make no apologies for the length 🙂 

The next chapter

Yesterday was my birthday 🎂 

Birthdays offer a chance for reflection. This past year has been a defining one for me, marked by change which at the moment felt like small rumbles, but looking back feels more like significant roars.

I jumped off a wobbly career ladder to find something more authentic to me. I focused on building a life of intention instead of chasing a living. I’m regularly using my lived experiences through meaningful advocacy work in the eating disorder field. And today, I’m embracing that the path I am meant to follow is one that I first have to forge…and leave a trail.

But there’s one thing that I haven’t done well this past year.

You see, despite all of the transformative progress noted above, I’ve still been…wavering.

Wavering on my potential.

Wavering on my authentic voice that grows stronger as I write.

Wavering on boldly stepping out into this next season of my life.

Wavering on placing value on my time, resources, knowledge, and experience.

As Steven Pressfield writes in the War of Art,

The more important a call or action is to our soul's evolution, the more RESISTANCE we will feel toward pursuing it.

Wavering = resistance.

Over this past year, I’ve freely given countless hours, resources, energy, and effort to many of you. We’ve met virtually, I’ve made meaningful connections for you, and shaped content that has helped you articulate your skills. I’ve hosted events, edited and elevated your stories, and given you a platform to share if you didn’t have one of your own. I’ve shown up for you.

I don’t regret it. I love to show up for humans in healthcare.

What I don’t love about showing up through writing a newsletter is the transactional feeling it evokes. You subscribe as an email address, but I want to know who you are behind it. Similarly, the transactional feeling of someone unsubscribing from free content I’ve poured my heart, soul, and hours into creating or subscribing to take advantage of content behind a subscriber wall, then immediately unsubscribing after, hurts. I’m not a transaction, and my time and experience are valuable, as are yours. We deserve to be seen and known.

Old me would have wallowed, and I did for a bit, focusing on the few rather than the many who have shared the impact of what I’m creating (thank you).

The new me reflects and acts by taking values-aligned steps. My reflection led me to two choices: give up or continue to press forward in a way that is sustainable and authentic to me and the gifts I have to share. And now it’s time to act.

Steven Pressfield writes,

Are you a born writer? Were you put on earth to be a painter, a scientist, an apostle of peace? In the end, the question can only be answered by action.

Do it or don't do it.

Creative work is not a selfish act or a bid for attention on the part of the actor. It's a gift to the world and every being in it. Don't cheat us of your contribution. Give us what you've got.

The War of Art

And that’s why I’m building the next chapter of Humans in Healthcare: a paid community membership so I can niche down my focus on specific content and offerings to those who value it while continuing to freely amplify the stories and lived experiences of humans in healthcare and create spaces for all stakeholders in healthcare to be heard.

Transparently, this is scary for me.

Pressfield again writes,

The counterfeit innovator is wildly self-confident.

The real one is scared to death.

War of Art

It’s atypical for me to launch something that’s not fully built to perfect detail. The approach is not “if I build it, they will come” — it’s “come and build it with me”. This moment of truth could be painful — maybe no one joins. Yet, the most important thing I’ve learned this year is that size of impact does not always equal significance of impact. Significance is found where I find enough which is building for an audience who values what I offer rather than a following who scrolls by.

Part of the wavering has also been the false belief that I have little to stand on when it comes to creating or community building.

But, I have done it before. In my time building the On Deck Health community, I experienced the value of community. It is as much about giving as it is receiving and it exists beyond walls because it’s not about a place — it's about people and an ethos.

I believe in the transformative power of community and I have a big vision of what it can become. And I’m not alone. I am joined by incredible founding members who will be active in the community to help you along your journey.

And so, I’m asking for you to show up for me by joining my paid community.

Yes, paid. I said it 🤢. Perhaps it’s too much birthday cake that makes me feel a bit nauseous or perhaps because, despite doing many hard things in my life, it’s incredibly vulnerable to put a value on my art, creativity, and ideas. Yet, the question I’ve asked myself is this: like any artist, do I deserve to be paid for my art? If I am providing value through it, then I think the answer is yes.

Aside from intentionality, an authentic community builder leads by example. I don’t think I’d be a good example in preaching the value of the transferable skills of a clinician if I didn’t value my own.

I share this to show you that I’m a vulnerable human, too.

Throughout my birthday reflection, I’ve looked back to move forward. I’m bringing my past to my present which is shaping my future. I’m boldly stepping out into this next season and embracing my potential.

The time has come to stop wavering.

Will you join me?

What do you do with an idea? By Kobi Yamada

Here are the details as they exist today:

Who is paid membership for

I don’t have to tell you that many clinicians desire to create a career portfolio that transcends clinical work. In a recent study by Elsevier, 58% of medical students view their current clinical studies as a stepping-stone towards a broader career in healthcare.

Similarly, dehumanization and harm are happening in healthcare and I believe that clinicians need a safe space to be human and heard.

If you are a clinician looking for a space of empowerment, want to normalize and find support in career transitions and seasons of life, learn how to articulate the transferable skills of a clinician, collaborate on a new standard of care for the people who care for people, amplify your voice and embrace your creativity, network strategically, create a common vernacular between the language of business and medicine and find opportunities in them, and most importantly, humanize our experiences together — this space is for you.

You can read more of my thoughts and ideas on community here

Specifically, I’m targeting 3 personas today:

  • Clinicians in transitions

    • Career transition

      • Pre or mid — or contemplating or seeking nontraditional roles

      • Post — want to share their knowledge and help others

    • Organizational transition (IC to manager or rising clinical leader)

    • Life transition (like a new parent)

  • Clinician Creators

    • Creators (building a course, newsletter, podcast, company, etc) who value community-driven learning, seek early feedback, collaborators, and to spotlight and amplify their voice

  • Clinicians needing community and empowerment

    • Peer or group support outside of social media or a work environment

Who paid membership isn’t for

  • Folks who prefer transactional spaces and only want to solicit services

  • Need a very specific job search

  • Would rather focus on differences than similarities

  • Don’t value community-driven learning

Many other communities exist and may be a better fit for you. Here are a few unique points about Humans in Healthcare:

  • In a world of AI, I am doubling down on humanity. Built by humans for humans

  • Clinician founded and led with a unique clinician generalist flair

  • No gatekeeping based on credentials. All clinicians are welcome

  • No application is required. I’m not here to be the judge of your worthiness to join. However, I will ask you to adhere to community guidelines

  • We’re in this together — you will be integral in building this with me vs me building it for you

  • As the community grows, there will be offerings for specific stages in your career/life journey

  • There will be a focus on getting to your why so you can be successful in your how. I don’t hold all the answers, but I can create the space for questions so you can find your answers

  • When you join, I consider you in my care and will do what I can to support you

What is included in the paid membership today

👩‍🏫  Premium content 
  • Deep dives, frameworks, and other tools for clinicians in transitions

  • Q&A with others who have experienced a career transition, are building their portfolio, have stepped into the creative life, or have risen in leadership

  • Thought-provoking challenges to help you unlock clarity in your next steps

  • Detailed membership profiles that allow me to connect you to specific opportunities

  • Blend of written, audio, and video content

🤝 Themed events and groups
  • Peer support groups regarding topics clinicians may not want to talk about publicly but need to privately

  • Roundtable discussions and community-driven workshops and events

  • Networking opportunities

🟣 Access to a private community platform
  • Note that this isn’t readily available yet. Part of your membership will go toward purchasing a sustainable hub for connection. You are building this with me 🙂

🗓️ Access to my calendar through office hours 
  • We can chat about what’s on your mind, give perspective on job challenges and transitions, and even parenting sagas. I’m pretty good at laughing, crying, cursing, and celebrating being human with you.

🛣️ Direct involvement in shaping the community roadmap
  • I have many unique ideas outside of what’s noted above that can only be unlocked as the clinical community grows. I’d love to let you in on them and have you shape them with me

What will stay free

If you opt not to join the community or are not a clinician, please 🙏 stay subscribed to the newsletter. I am committed to freely sharing the stories and lived experiences of humans in healthcare and building spaces where we can listen and learn together. I’ll also be looking for partnerships as the community grows.

And, I’ll continue to share my own stories, inviting you to curiosity, courage, and compassion.

Ok, time for more birthday cake. Here is your call to action:

No hard feelings if the timing isn’t right for you. Stay subscribed and you’ll have plenty of opportunity to join as it grows.

Feel free to reply with questions. I look forward to sharing this space together!

Ok, now for the moment of truth 👇️ 

In humanity,


Know someone who could benefit from this community?


or to participate.